Listening Faith

Today’s reading link: Genesis 12; Matthew 11; Nehemiah 1; Acts 11

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15 

Today’s readings reminds me to listen, keep faith, and obey.  Sounds easy… but we know its not when we try to do things on our own.  In Genesis 12 Abraham was told to leave his home and travel to a new land and in doing so God would make him a great nation and he would be blessed. Abraham listens to God. How often does God speak to us and we don’t listen because of fears, the unknowns, or our own comfort in our current life? But like Abraham, in our times, when we allow ourselves to lose faith or fear creeps in we make choices that reflect our own desires.  We need to pray and believe God is with us and on our side.  Think of the evidence shared with John in Matthew 11 about acts by Jesus. In our moments of doubt think of what God has done for you, turn to scripture, think of our eternal salvation, pray.  In our trials don’t turn away, turn to him.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

God’s steadfast love will heal, provide peace, give grace, comfort, and lead us to him. Our day to day events or burdens that impact our lives are taken care of when we share them with our God who says:

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (v. 29-30)

Nehemiah offers this reminder of turning to God in our weakest moments when he discovers his homeland is devastated.

And I said, “Oh Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, Nehemiah 1:5

Nehemiah provides an example of elements of prayer by giving 1) praise, 2) thanksgiving (v. 5) , 3) repentance (v. 6), 4) specific request and 5) commitment (v.9). Doing this will help clarify your problem, allow God to help, and give us guidance.

In my prayers I ask for courage and faith like Peter shows in Acts when he shares the Gospel with everyone. Who better to have travel and share the word with then Barnabas who shows on going support, love, and encouragement to Peter as they share the word.  Together they support and love new Christians and encourage us to grow in our faith.

As we read today remember to keep our ears open to what God is calling us to do, be constant in prayer so we can turn over the burdens of our lives to him, and think of ways to share and encourage believers or non believers to help them grow in faith.

Have a blessed day.