A daily Bible reading with a public journal entry. Toss your email in the subscribe box to join in as we wrestle with applying God’s word to our lives together.
Inauguration Day – Who is in charge?
Today is the inauguration of Donald Trump as our 47th President of the United State. For some, today is a day of celebration and relief. For some, today is a day of heartache and duress.
John 1 reminds us that God is sovereign, eternal, and the source of all life and light. Verse 3 declares, “Through Him all things were made; without Him, nothing was made that has been made.” This foundational truth encourages us to see every event in human history through the lens of God’s ultimate authority and divine purpose.
When reflecting on the inauguration of Donald Trump—or any leader—it’s vital to remember that leadership is ultimately under God’s control. Romans 13:1 echoes this, stating, “There is no authority except that which God has established.” Leaders come and go, but God’s sovereignty remains constant. John 1:5 further assures us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” No matter who is in power, God’s light and purpose will prevail. Donald Trump is not in charge. God is.
Rather than focusing on the individual, we are called to place our trust in God’s plan. Leadership can serve as a tool in His hands to bring about His will, whether through blessings or through challenges that refine and strengthen His people. This perspective allows us to approach moments like presidential inaugurations with faith, not fear; prayer, not partisanship.
John 1 also reminds us of our role as believers. As children of God (John 1:12), we are called to be witnesses to His light. Regardless of political changes, our mission is to reflect God’s truth, love, and hope in a divided world. Let the inauguration serve as a reminder not of human power, but of God’s ultimate authority and our responsibility to trust Him, pray for our leaders, and shine His light.
Written with the assistance of ChatGPT
Imperfect Human, Perfect God
In a conversation with colleagues this week I made a controversial statement. One that you as a reader may be offended by but please bear with me as it was meant to ultimately bring glory to God and deeper conversation. I said (quoting a friend), “The worst thing about Christianity is Christians”.
Years ago when my friend said this, as a Christian, I was initially offended. As he went on I realized the logic: Humans are flawed, God is not. We mess it up, he cleans us up. We are prone to be unloving, he loves unconditionally. We get in the way, He is the way.
Christianity in its purest form is perfect.
He is a loving God who made the greatest sacrifice, calling us to know him, to do His will to serve and love others. He calls us to His son Jesus, Immanuel (meaning, “God with us”). He was God in the flesh, he lived a perfect life, he died, he defeated death, and we can have a deep and meaningful relationship with him. He is with us always, every moment.
“Look! The virgin will conceive a child!
She will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel,
which means ‘God is with us.’” (Matthew 1:23)
Christianity includes the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternity with God. With this, we are called to share God’s love and hope with others so that they too can be saved. Our instruction manual is flawless, holy, and wise and contains wisdom regarding all of life’s hardships, opportunities, and experiences. Knowing and serving God brings peace beyond all understanding.
“Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.” (Psalm 46:10)
Even this morning after waking up three hours before my alarm I have had focus time with God in prayer and scripture reading, being still in the presence of my maker. The problems of this world are still present but the peace in my heart right now is indescribable.
The beauty of Christianity isn’t found in our perfection but in God’s. He redeems and works through our flaws, offering love, grace, and peace beyond understanding.
May this truth inspire us to reflect His love and point others to Him—not for our glory, but for His. He is Immanuel, God with us. Be still in His presence, and trust His work in the brokenness.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)
Alone with Jesus
Have you ever endured suffering, heartbreak, disappointment, sickness, confusion, pain, and unsure where to go? That’s where Jesus can meet you. Being alone with Jesus can often be felt most in our highs and lows. Most importantly, you take these moments to let Him teach us. This practice is essential for us and something that Jesus did Himself.
Luke tells us that Jesus often found time to be alone with His Father. Do I seek this time?
Luke 4:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
It’s not easy. Many things can get in the way. This past weekend, when listening to a sermon at Eastview, I reflected on my time spent truly alone with God. I can easily be distracted by everything that is around. Check out the sermon here. Martha was distracted by all the things to do and by what others were doing. That can feel familiar today. So many things vie for our attention from the time we awake until we lay down to sleep. The enemy will distract, distract, distract. Make things more important than they indeed are. I can easily say this is where I can be reminded to fight the good fight.
1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Spending time alone with God is a time of renewal, refreshment, and obedience. We all need it. Taking time just to read this will hopefully allow you a moment to pray, seek Him, and not be distracted.
Today, rearrange your schedule and MAKE alone time for God!
God, we praise You. Help us in our days to prioritize time alone with You in prayer for our own sake and for others’ sake as we interact with others today. Amen
A lot is temporary, but His Love is Etetnal
As we start this new year, and as we reflect on the past year and past experiences, we have a profound gratitude for God’s benevolence and love.
When we look at Christ’s life, he did not have any of his major life events in permanent places… a lot of them were in temporary places.
When he was born; he was in a manager in an Inn far from his home.
When he was crucified, he was buried in a tomb that was not his own, and it was borrowed.
Throughout his life, he had a stable and permanent home, but some of the most important remembrance is that we remember … were all temporary places.
I believe that this was not a coincidence, but God wanted us to see that even in temporary places we can have a profound effect.
Throughout last year, God was preparing me for growth and expansion and my mind was ready. I grew a lot with the newfound understanding of situations and placement. I was able to find solace in Babylon when God has already created everything for us in Babylon.
For every situation in life, God has already foretold ordained His power in the midst of it.
With that understanding, we can take solace in all situations. We find out being temporary is a place where God is able to do miracles. In temporary spots God is able to show profound power. We find that in a moment can be a lifetime for God and in a lifetime can be at a moment for him as well. Allow us to see the temporary spots as opportunities for something amazing to happen.
The things that are temporary that we can work through are:
Hurt is temporary.
Pain is temporary.
Confusion is temporary.
Death is temporary.
The one they need is consistent is God‘s love and God‘s presence in our life.
A couple years ago I was able to watch a documentary series with one of my children about space and time. In this documentary, the author shares that the outward portion of universe equates to about 5 billion years ago.
There are still stars that are out there that have been there for 5 billion years. When we look at our lives, the maximum span is 120 years. In that vast span, our lives can be seen as temporary.
But even though they might be temporary the effects of our being and our love and our compassion extends beyond those years.
Allow God to use you so that His presence and love is us continues pass to others throughout the years to show his glory in his greatness.
“yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
“for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you.”
1 Peter 1:24-25 ESV
Be blessed
Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Good stories follow the same pattern. It begins with a journey, moves through a struggle, and ultimately leads to transformation. The book of Job is no different. Your life—your story—is no different.
I hate Job’s struggle. Truly, I hate reading about it. Thirty-six of the forty-two chapters in Job are filled with sickness, loss, and uncertainty as Job and his friends wrestle with suffering.
Today, we finally get to the end. It’s easy to dwell on the last chapter and celebrate Job’s restored wealth. Finally, I think, he is rewarded for his faithfulness. But my initial thoughts are wrong. The restoration of Job’s wealth is not the victory. No, victory is secured in verses 5 and 6. Job says,
I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” Job 42:5-6 (NLT)
Do you see it? Job’s relief wasn’t about prosperity. Nor was it about vindication. Job found relief when he fixed his eyes on God.
Psalms 123
I lift my eyes to you,
the one enthroned in heaven.
Like a servant’s eyes on his master’s hand,
like a servant girl’s eyes on her mistress’s hand,
so our eyes are on the Lord our God
until he shows us favor.
Show us favor, Lord, show us favor,
for we’ve had more than enough contempt.
We’ve had more than enough
scorn from the arrogant
and contempt from the proud.
A New Heaven and New Earth
Today’s readings are Job 37-39, Psalm 103, and Revelation 21.
If you have been a believer most of your life, what were your thoughts when reading in science class that the world and everything in it was created by a big bang and that dinosaurs lived millions of years before man compared to what the Bible tells us that it was made in 6 days and that man was created the same day as animals which must also include dinosaurs? Or whether you’ve been a believer since childhood or not, what are your thoughts of what the Bible says compared to mainstream “science?” Growing up and reading things in science textbooks didn’t shake my faith, but definitely left me wondering if a day in Genesis was really a day as we know it now, but even then animals, which would include dinosaurs, and man being created on the same day had me stumped. It was not a deterrent to my faith though because I knew I believed Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and rose on Easter and that was all that mattered the most in the end. I would let the other details affect my faith and what was necessary to be right with God and go to Heaven. The problem is though, if one part of the Bible is misinterpreted or has been mistranslated, how can one then be confident in the truth of Jesus’, death, burial, and Resurrection?
What does this have to do with our readings today? Well, Job 37-39 has Elihu and then God Himself speaking of God’s majesty and making the universe and everything in it work properly. If we read on beyond today’s chapters, we find in Job 40:15-18 where God mentions and describes “Behemoth” which could only fit the description of a dinosaur if you read it closely and then God speaks of “Leviathan” in Job 41 which seems to describe dinosaurs of the sea. In these chapters and in our chapters for today he describes other animals like goats, donkeys, and cattle to name a few right along side Behemoth. This does not sound like God and the Bible describing they lived millions of years apart. The word dinosaur was not created until the 1800s.
Here’s my encouragement, if you do some research there are many creation scientists who are disproving past science and the inaccuracies of carbon dating and evolution and proving the what the Bible says. Their science proves a younger Earth that is roughly 6,000 years old, a global flood as we know from the Bible, and that the flood, not millions of years or time, created the different layers of rock found on Earth. They’ve even found soft tissue in dinosaur bones proving they can’t be millions of years old. They were likely on the Ark like other animals (no one said all the animals had to be adults either) and went extinct sometime after like other animals have throughout history.
You don’t have to ignore or turn your head to what science says as a Christian and be scared to answer questions from a non-believer or even your kids about the difference between what mainstream science says and the Bible. Science is now proving what we already knew, the Bible is true!
If you are interested in learning more from creation scientist who are proving science aligns with the Bible and doesn’t conflict with it, check out such resources as http://answersingenesis.org, Creation Today podcast or website, Biblical Creation page on Facebook, or visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky to name a few.
Revelation 21 tells us God in the “Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6), and that not only did God create the Earth as we know it and that He still makes the universe operate properly today, but He will create a new Heaven and new Earth when Jesus comes again (Revelation 21:1). And above all things, God’s greatest miracle is that He forgives our sins (Psalm 103:12). And when He comes again to create a new Heaven and Earth, there will be no more crying and no more pain (Revelation 21:4). This is something all believers can look forward to!
A Comparison of Job and a Modern-Day Fallen Leader
Job, a wealthy and respected man in ancient times, was known for his righteousness, generosity, and deep reverence for God. He was revered in his community, cared for the poor, acted as a judge for justice, and lived a life of abundance. However, his life took a drastic turn when he lost his wealth, family, health, and social status. Despite his innocence, Job faced humiliation, physical suffering, and emotional torment, while also grappling with the silence of God in his distress.
Even though Job did nearly everything in his life right, by God, he was not immune to suffering.
In a modern context, Job’s story mirrors that of many public figures—CEOs, celebrities, or political leaders—who rise to great heights of wealth, influence, and admiration, only to experience a dramatic fall from grace. Consider a once-beloved CEO who built a thriving empire, was celebrated in the media, and was admired for philanthropy and leadership, only to lose it all due to scandal, poor decisions, or unforeseen catastrophe. Or, a financial mogul caught in a scandal may face public disgrace, legal consequences, and abandonment by former allies and friends.
While the causes of their downfalls differ—Job’s suffering was not due to personal failure, whereas modern figures often contribute to their own downfall—the emotional and social consequences are strikingly similar. Both experience a loss of identity, deep loneliness, and the scorn of those who once admired them. Job’s friends judged him unfairly, assuming his suffering was due to hidden sin, much like how society often turns on fallen public figures, assuming guilt or failure without full understanding.
Yet, Job’s response set him apart. Despite his despair, he never fully abandoned his faith in God. In contrast, modern figures often place their trust in wealth, reputation, or personal strength, which may leave them without hope when those pillars crumble. Job’s story serves as both a mirror and a lesson: wealth and status are fleeting, but integrity and faith endure beyond misfortune.
Pastor Gary Hamrick speaks of “suffering well.” No matter the tribulation, the trauma, or the challenge, “God will take care of us and we need to trust Him.” This seems nearly impossible during the worst of times, but scripture tells us time and time again that God has not abandoned us. My prayer is that in times of turmoil, and trouble, and they will come, we “run into the word” of God and embrace His promise to see is through our trials.
Changing the Conversation
How are your interpersonal relationships? Are they filled with joy and peace, marked by challenging conflicts and bitterness, or perhaps somewhere in between? Relationships can be both rewarding and demanding, especially when conflicts arise. When facing conflict with another human, we have a few options:
- Stand firm. Continue the conflict and stick to our point of view.
- Let it go. Forgive and forget.
- Change the subject completely. This approach reflects the “flight” response in the classic “fight or flight” scenario.
- Change the conversation. Without abandoning the subject, we shift to a different angle or perspective.
The Cost of Standing Firm
Continuing the conflict and maintaining our point of view puts us at risk of being prideful with the focus on winning – which equates to someone losing, and in this, everyone loses. Do you want to win (be right) or do you want to be loving?
The Beauty of Letting Go
Letting something go can be a beautiful gesture of forgiveness as long as we have truly committed our hearts to saying “it’s not worth it” so that the same conflict doesn’t rear its ugly head over and over.
The Power of Changing the Subject
Changing the subject completely is quite useful when things get too hot to handle. It is like the “eject” button from a fighter jet about to explode. We can’t always just change the subject, and avoidance is not always the best way either, so this must be used with caution.
The Art of Changing the Conversation
Changing the conversation is often the most challenging because it requires tactfulness, humility, and patience. This method is a great step toward a win-win because it helps to bring both parties to the table with an attempt to bring peaceful resolution without belaboring or ignoring the issue.
Lessons From The Book of Job
In Job Chapter 24, Job continues his long dissertation and asks why the wicked aren’t punished. He makes good points and as we read this we can understand his frustration and sorrow.
Next comes Job Chapter 25 where Bildad responds. Did Bildad roll up his sleeves and let Job know where he had misspoke? Did he call him a fool, escalate, or dissect his many points? No. Bildad chooses a different approach – he changes the conversation. He doesn’t directly answer Job’s questions nor does he try to argue or reason with Job. He doesn’t change the subject. He keeps his response simple and gives glory to God.
2 “God is powerful and dreadful.
He enforces peace in the heavens.
3 Who is able to count his heavenly army?
Doesn’t his light shine on all the earth?
4 How can a mortal be innocent before God?
Can anyone born of a woman be pure?
5 God is more glorious than the moon;
he shines brighter than the stars.
6 In comparison, people are maggots;
we mortals are mere worms.” (Job 25:2-6 NLT)
Transforming Our Relationships
When conflicts arise, consider how we can respond thoughtfully. Whether it is the freedom of letting go, diffusing tension with changing the subject, or changing the conversation. Whatever we do we must do it lovingly with Jesus as our example and savior, for God’s glory. Our responses say a lot about who we are and where we are in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Today’s reading: Job 24-27; Rev 17
Repent, and Turn To God!
God’s wrath came in seven bowls. Each of them poured out by an angel. The plagues that they delivered caused malignant worse, water turned to blood – first the sea, then the rivers and springs – the sun became so hot it scorched people, the light was extinguished plunging the world into darkness, even the Euphrates river dried up. “But,” we are reminded after each one, “they did not repent of their evil deeds and turn to God.”
I am tempted to believe that we are hopless. Perhaps there is nothing that can conquer our pride and turn to God. I would think that, but it’s clearly not true. Psalm 101 gives us a beautiful picture of David. This is what repent and turn to God looks like.
Psalms 101 (NLT)
I will sing of your love and justice, Lord.
I will praise you with songs.
I will be careful to live a blameless life—when will you come to help me?
I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.
I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.
I hate all who deal crookedly;
I will have nothing to do with them.
I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.
I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.
I will not endure conceit and pride.
I will search for faithful people to be my companions.
Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me.
I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence.
My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip.
Blessed are the Dead
As I read through Today’s Readings of Job 15-17 and Revelation 14, the following verses made me reflect and pause about death or the second Lord’s coming. (whatever may come first) Initially, it may sound scary or morbid, but you can find true peace and joy in reflection and digging deeper.
What stuck out to me was the use of “Blessed are” tucked into verse 13.
I mean reading about the beasts that will be here one day and give a mark to those who do not believe or have not obeyed His commandments. Reading the scripture in Revelation describing the return of the Lord and the judgment that the three angels with sharp sickles will have to harvest the earth.
You may ask, “Where is the peace in the middle of this hurricane of judgment? In the eye of this storm are the following verses.
12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
Immediately, I thought about Matthew’s Beatitudes. Besides Matthew, there are many wonderful blessings/beatitudes throughout the bible.
Psalm 1 | Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked… |
Psalm 2 | Blessed are all who take refuge in Him |
Psalm 32 | Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven… |
Psalm 84 | Blessed is the man whose strength is in You |
Psalm 84 | Blessed are those who dwell in Your house |
Psalm 112 | Blessed is the man who fears the Lord and greatly delights in His commandments |
Psalm 119 | Blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart |
Proverbs 8 | Blessed is the man who listens to Me |
Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount – a series of blessings |
“Blessed” in Greek is Makarios. This would be happy, blissful, serene, or fulfilled. So when I heard Blessed are the Dead, I had to reflect. I thought about Paul and what he said in Philippians 1:21.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
We just celebrated Jesus’ birth. It was awesome. But His death and resurrection provide us with eternal life. Blessed!
The critical reality is my perseverance of keeping His commandments, as stated in verse 12. Am I obeying always? Am I trying to do it myself? This is not a suggestion but a command. No matter what we face in our reality on this Earth, do we continue in our faith?
Blessed are the dead. Death is a blessing when you live with persevering faith and trust in and obey the Lord. We live in a broken world. We are broken people. The struggle is real!
Lord – We need you. We thank You for Your truth and help us be obedient, keep the faith, and live for You. Upon our death, someday, allow us to be one saying, Yes, Blessed are the dead. Amen