Wonderful Counselor




Wonderful; Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration. Extremely good; marvelous

Counselor; Trained to give advice or guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems.


Our Father is extremely good, inspiring admiration because He gives perfect guidance to us in every area of our lives. He is marvelous because He gives us the exact right advice in every situation we bring to Him. He knows each of us so intimately He shares perfect direction with us for our own issues, for how we live in and respond to the world, and for our individual thoughts. I cannot comprehend how He is able to do this for the millions of people alive each day on this earth. It makes my head explode, trying with my human mind to understand God’s knowledge of and ability to communicate with everyone. Yet I know it is true. I have experienced His direction over and over in my life and I know countless people in other towns, states and countries who experience the same personal guidance regularly from our Father…our Wonderful Counselor.

“Wonderful Counselor” in Isaiah’s time, was a name describing hope in a very dark time. People were not following God. God had been reaching out to people for years and they continued to ignore Him. God told Isaiah when He sent him into the world with God’s message that the people wouldn’t listen. God told him to speak anyway because eventually a few would end up taking his message to heart. So Isaiah obeyed and spoke what God told Him to speak, for decades he spoke what God asked him to say. Isaiah 9:6 says, “ For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah told people that hope would be coming in Jesus. God was going to communicate with people in human form, He was coming to live with us and also die for us. He was going to deliver all people from their sin with His death and resurrection. Hope for everyone, then and now, Wonderful Counselor to all who believe in Him!


God is exceptional, distinguished, and without a peer. He is the one who gives the right advice every time.

Wisdom From God

What does it mean to be wise? Many people look at the word wisdom and automatically think of knowledge or intelligence. Wisdom can contain both knowledge and intelligence, but it doesn’t necessarily have to. Wisdom is defined by Webster as, “the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand”. Many people are “smart” in this world, but I would argue that there are few that are wise. True wisdom comes only through the Lord. 

Who would you describe as a wise person? The current Pastor at my church (Bob Smart), my campus ministry’s Pastor (Ben Miller), and my grandfather are three people who come to mind as wise people that I know. These three men have wisdom that is beyond my understanding. All have had the influence that I can only attest to the Holy Spirit. They all have wisdom from God. 

What is wisdom that comes from God? 

Throughout all of Scripture, God reveals His wisdom to His people. He grants wisdom to many who ask for it, but also gives it to those that don’t seem worthy of it. Moses is one of the many people that God chooses to use. Moses leads the Israelite people out of Egypt, and into the Promised Land. On paper though, Moses doesn’t seem like a worthy candidate, and before God comes to Him (Exodus 3). In Exodus 3, God reveals the qualities of wisdom that come from Him through the story of the burning bush. 

  1. Moses was called by God (Exodus 3: 2-3)
  2. Moses responded quickly to God’s call (Exodus 3:4)
  3. Moses listened to the words that God spoke to him (Exodus 3: 7-10)
  4. Moses questioned and investigated God’s words (Exodus 3: 13-19)
  5. Moses was humbled and responded out of fear and respect from the Lord (Exodus 4)

Moses was far from perfect! He wasn’t eloquent and didn’t fit the part of what he was called to do, but the LORD used him anyway. He provided Moses with what he needed. Without God, Moses wouldn’t be wise. 

Wisdom from above is very different from what we think of when it comes to wise people in this world. God’s wisdom is humbling and it is a lot to take on. It doesn’t come without some type of burden, and it relies heavily on God providing everything for you. Those that obtain wisdom from God are the ones that are His humbled servants that are called, respond, and live out their lives for God. Wisdom from God gives us all guidance in our lives. Each of us should be asking for more wisdom from Him daily. 

Lord, allow us to seek after your wisdom. I pray earnestly that we desire You more each day. I ask that we recognize where we need Your wisdom and discernment in our lives. Also, I ask that you put wise people in our lives that are able to share Your understanding that we need to hear. Allow us to have ears that will listen and to respond to Your Words. Thank you for using all of us to glorify You. 

Love One Another

There is strife, disagreement, controversy, and angst nearly everywhere we turn today.  We all feel it and it can be smothering.

The political climate is as polarizing and negative as it has ever been. The pandemic has riveted our way of life and there is persistent disagreement about masks, openings and closures of everything, and no end in sight.  Many people have lost their jobs, been furloughed, or live in fear that they will lose their job at anytime. Racial tensions are at an all time high with horrible instances of discrimination and death.

I believe that masks, although positioned that they protect us, are pulling us apart.  People are hiding behind their masks. No eye contact in the stores.  No “hello” or “how are you” when seeing people.  In fact, we are walking past people we know in public places because we do not recognize each other.  In addition, many are quarantining themselves to protect their health and don’t socialize or leave their home.  We are distanced, literally, from each other more and more each day.

Let’s talk about social media.  Political posts are everywhere.  Commercials and comments are never ending, and most are not nice.  The back and forth spewing of political and personal beliefs is rampant, and people are slinging negativity with no regard.

The verse that is on my heart today is “Do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly.” Micah 6:8

Convictions and beliefs are important.  To some, their beliefs are the foundation of who they are as a person.  Our beliefs are different based on where we grew up, what type of home we grew up in, our faith or religion, as well as where we live today.

In John 13:34 Jesus said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”  This was the last commandment Jesus gave to His disciples before he was crucified.

Jesus modeled kindness, devotion, love, and loyalty.  Jesus loved the tax collectors, prostitutes, thieves, Gentiles (non Jewish people) as well as sinners.  The Bible is filled with story after story of Jesus loving every sinner he came across.  He loved people of different color, background, and faith.

We can disagree with each other.  We can be irritated by one another. We might not even like each other.  But, we can still listen, acknowledge our differences, and be kind.  Perhaps it is best not respond to a social media post and not say anything.  Let’s slow down and see what is going on around us.  Let’s not take for granted a simple smile, compliment, or acknowledgment might be the only kindness a person receives that day.  Restrain from piling on with negative comments.  Don’t sacrifice your convictions but perhaps we should go about expressing our opinions in a different way.

I have as much intensity about my beliefs and convictions as anyone else.  I am a work in progress.  Let’s model for each other what love and kindness looks like, by loving one another.  Kindness is contagious.  So is negativity.  Let’s start with love and kindness first. Jesus did.

Heavenly Father,  We need you.  We need to feel your presence and power.  Wash over us with a sense of kindness, patience, and grace for others.  Help us have compassion and love, even though we disagree with others.  We know you are at work in EACH of our lives.  Help us to hear what you want us to hear and see what you want us to see. Amen

The Way

This past week we worked on comparing and contrasting in our reading time for school work at home. How are these two things the same, how are they different? We made Venn diagrams  (overlapping circles) to visualize this concept for characters in stories, two animals, etc.

Our community has recently lost some really amazing people. It seemed like the heart wrenching news just kept coming, one after another. Some of them I knew directly, and some were indirectly through people close to me. They were from different decades and had different roles in life. The oldest was just a few weeks shy of his 100th birthday, and the youngest was a young mom with little kiddos at home. They were farmers, and artists, wood workers, gardeners, and bakers. They were volunteers and activists, they were spouses, parents and friends. It’s really neat to think about all the intricacies and uniqueness of their lives, and how God created them with purpose. They were so so cherished by their families and friends. The memories their loved ones have are just beautiful.
More than all of those sweet things, the most important thing about each of these special people is their belief. If I had a Venn diagram for these three, their faith would be right in the center of it. While there might be a few other overlapping comparisons, their belief that Jesus is the WAY is what’s at the center. And it’s what was at the center of their life. When you believe in Jesus, his fruit shines through. Because of their belief, everyone around them experienced love, joy, and peace. We saw God shine through them in their kindness, gentleness, and patience.
John 17:3 says This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. 
As we continue to grieve the loss of them here, we have the comfort of being able to celebrate that they’re in their eternal home. And we will be with them one day!
He IS the Way. If you’re unsure of your future or the Way to spend eternity with our creator, please reach out. To me or to any of us at the Bible Journal. Life’s too short to not know the Way.

Gentle flowing water or a raging river?

What comes to mind with the phrase “waters that flow gently”? I think of peace, a pure stream in the wilderness, tranquility, something natural not made by man, something to observe and take in, reflection, a source for the sustainment of life. Contrasting this, a raging river is harsh, it erodes, it destroys.

“Because this people has refused the waters of Shiloah that flow gently, and rejoice over Rezin and the son of Remaliah, therefore, behold, the Lord is bringing up against them the waters of the River, mighty and many, the king of Assyria and all his glory. And it will rise over all its channels and go over all its banks, (Isaiah 8:6-7)

Referring to Isaiah 8:6: “The waters of Siloam denote the reign of Yahweh, as manifesting itself in the administration of the family of David – a mild, gentle, and munificent reign, beautifully represented by the unfailing and gently flowing waters on which the happiness of Jerusalem so much depended.” (Albert Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible)

For us this can be represented in our choices. We trust and obey or we refuse our God. We remain in the bondage of sin or freedom in Christ. We live in the darkness of anger and bitterness, or in the light through forgiveness. Living in fear or living joyfully, boldly going where God is calling us. Leaving hurtful past behind, moving forward with the eternal hope we have in Christ Jesus.

Let us take rest in the gentle waters. Let us choose Him as Master. Let us hand him our burdens. Let us take his yoke, his gentle guidance. Let us see him as the humble one who calls us like the gentle flowing waters.

I could use some of this rest and gentle flowing water today and over the weekend, how about you?

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)


Against the backdrop of God saving the children of Israel from Pharaoh and Egyptian persecution, Exodus 15:3 calls God a warrior.  How he parted the Red Sea so his people could safely cross, then closed it on the pursuing Egyptian army never really seemed that odd to me.  I want a warrior who is on my side, fighting against my enemies.  Don’t you?  When it comes to how God deals with me and my own sin, however, a warrior isn’t how I want God to show up.  Rather, I want him to be the God of Exodus 34:6.

“The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness…(Exodus 34:6).

Are these really the same God?  As I was preparing for this post, I spent some time reconciling these seemingly disparate views, and how they both show up in the person of Jesus Christ.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3:16-17).

We all know John 3:16, but verse 17 is the key verse here.  Jesus Christ came to earth to accomplish God’s purpose.  His purpose wasn’t to oppose the world, but to do whatever he could to save the world and reconcile it to a perfect God.  As such, Jesus is warrior against anyone or anything that opposes God or his plan for the world. At the same time, he is a warrior / advocate for anything or anyone who is working with God or his plan for the world.

My challenge for each one of us today is to look inward and consider which side you’re on.  Jesus is a warrior king that we know wins the ultimate battle.  Is he your warrior/adversary or warrior/advocate?

The voice of the Lord

Psalm 29:3 The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.

In October 1999, I went on a sailing trip off the Florida Keys with my Dad, brother, and sister in law. I was not much of a sailor but my dad and brother were the ones in charge and Jennifer and I enjoyed the sunshine. It was definitely a fun adventure and I was blissfully unaware of the storm that was about to hit. Turned out that our trip was cut short due to hurricane Irene and we had to evacuate early. That hurricane produced 109mph winds and caused $800 million dollars in damages. We escaped the weather just in time and returned home unscathed. I don’t remember being afraid or concerned, we just got out of there and came home. Thankfully we were not stranded and we didn’t try to “wait it out”. My memories from the trip were sailing close to the coast because the waves were huge (thank you Irene), deep sea fishing, and taking Jennifer’s amazing catch to a local restaurant to have them cook it up for us. It was a fun trip! Great memories.

The reality of the trip, as I look back, is overwhelming. Jennifer had recently been in a car accident that she was still recovering from, BJ was also recovering in her accident, I was escaping from my lonely life in Indianapolis, and my dear Dad saw all of this happening in our lives and was willing to take us on a sailing trip. We all had our own storms happening in the midst of Irene. These memories came to mind because of this verse in Psalm 29:3. The Lord echoes above the sea, the God of Glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty sea. God was speaking over our lives in the midst of that storm and that time in our lives. He kept us safe and brought us home.

Twenty years have passed and I am able to look back and see all that God has done since then.  We have weathered those storms because of a powerful God. The power of a hurricane with its strong winds that cause enormous waves and turmoil on the waters are no match for God. He thunders and echoes above the sea. He can even tame the storms on the water as he did in Matthew 8:26,And Jesus answered , “why are you afraid? You have so little faith!”. Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. The disciples just sat there in awe. “Who is this?” they asked themselves. “Even the wind and waves obey him!” The voice of the Lord calmed the seas.

The voice of God has the power to rebuke the waves and storms in our lives, whatever they may be. He is the creator of all. As you approach your day today, what things would you like to have Jesus stand up and rebuke with His voice? There is no limit to what we can ask in His name and trust that He will do. I trust that the storms that are coming are covered with His mighty voice in your life.



I grew up in Upstate New York in a small town called Corfu.  From a young age, I remember having grapevines that allowed me to forge through many meals and stay outside even longer as I would just eat grapes from the vine or pick apples from a tree. There were seasons when you would eat from sun up to sun down and seasons where you would have to do some searching.  I know I ate a lot healthier than too. (That’s another story) What a great feeling and comfort to know that we have Jesus as our living vine?

Today’s verse is John 15:5

I am the true vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.


Branches cannot bear fruit independent of the vine. There would be many times I went out to pick grapes and they were just lying on the ground. My study bible reminds me of the importance of our lives and staying connected to God.  Personally, I have had seasons of fruit-bearing. I have also had seasons where the fruit has been non-existent and I was just holding on for life. In any of these seasons or cases, the important part for us all is being connected. These days came through selfish worldly desires. Opportunities to bear fruit is praise to His glory and His kingdom. There is also praise to being simply connected to His vine. This connectedness lies in our faith.  Do we believe in Jesus? His life, death, and resurrection?  I imagine if you are taking the time to read this right now you are connected to His Vine. So I ask, what season are you in? Are you bearing much fruit? Maybe a bare branch? Either scenario is right where God has planned.  Let’s just avoid any pruning that can happen when we don’t stay connected.  Let’s pray and reflect on our source of life and the soil we are planted in.

A couple of additional verses that spoke to me on reflecting on Jesus as our vine were in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 where God reminds us about the meaning of life. How there is a season for everything.  That in each season of life, whatever purpose God intends is the purpose we must live out. In addition,  wherever you are today, stay connected. Psalm 1:3 says

That a person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.

Dear Father,  You are our living Vine. Keep us close. Lord, help us in our day-to-day lives to not feel like we can detach and still stay connected.  Help us to Seek you only and abandon our own selfish ways.  Thank you for whatever season we are in.  We love you! Amen


Today’s Reading: Psalms 24:5 NIV

In a classic tale written by Victor Hugo, we get a glimpse of vindication.  The story of Jean Valjean is one that is timeless and has been recreated in several forms and venues.  It was originally released as a novel then transformed into plays, opera, and movies : Les Miserables.  In the story Jean Valjean is arrested and imprisoned for stealing a piece of bread from the local baker for his widowed sister and her seven children.  After several attempts to escape prison, he is released after 19 years.  Immediately after his release Jean is befriended by a bishop of the church and then steals from the bishop.  Jean is recaptured and brought back to the bishop for questioning.  While the police have Jean at the bishop’s residence, the bishop tells the officers that he was a friend and he had given him the silver items.  The bishop also tells him that he has forgotten the set of silver candlesticks.  This act changes the course of Jean Valjean’s life and he becomes a truly honest man.  But throughout the novel there is an antagonist, Javert, who constantly is seeking out Jean Valjean to re-catch him in the act of being dishonest.  

This story is written in the mid-to-late nineteenth century in France, 1862.  This is the same time that the America was going through a civil dispute that put many individuals at risk of poverty and starvation.  It was a time of cultural and political unrest.  This is a time of uncertainty of everything.  This story shows that in the time of complete desperation, a man is imprisoned due tot need for him  to feed his family.  Jean is a man who has worked hard and still unable to help support his widowed sister and seven children.  The system has then changed his life for 19 years.  Once out he reverts to his past ways: survival.  He’s true vindication is from the bishop in the scene with the police.  The bishop could have condemned Jean Valjean, but he took compassion on him and gave him everything.  

The vindicator is one that clears one of shame or suspicion.  It has taken me 38 years to fully understand a portion of how God vindication works.  As a young man, I would spend countless hours at my grandmother’s house and see how she would interact with everyone.  During these times she would aid and assist many people who were family, friends, and strangers.  In these interactions she would always give more than expected.  There were even times that she would give repeatedly and repeatedly without question.  This puzzled me at the time.  I wondered, “How many times will she keep giving?”  But she kept giving until she passed away at the age of 84.  The secret was  she knew that God’s vindication on the person is infinite.  She always had a connection to God through her faith and this was communicated through her actions. She continued to give and bless others. 

 As with the bishop in the story, she knew that the grace that God had given her would be passed on to the next person no matter the circumstance.  God’s vindication is one that is contagious.  When you have been given the spirit of vindication, you will be able to pass this on through your actions.  

One main point to stress is that even though we have been vindicated, the enemy will continue to purse us even  after we have severed our penance and have claim our victory.  This  is why it is important to continue to have a relationship with God and thank him for the vindication that he has given us, lest we all fall victim to the countless reminders of our old selves.  


The crisp fall air is upon us.  The leaves are finally showing their colors.  Pumpkin everything is surrounding us.  But, the one thing I am really missing is High School football.  Every year since 2012 we have been attendees at our our High School football games.  This year is our daughter’s senior year and the last year to watch her cheer for our football team.  It just feels empty not cheering and watching our team conquer their opponent every Friday night.  The victory dance at the end of the games is always my favorite.  A couple years ago our team won their conference game and regionals to advance to the state playoffs.  Watching the crowd ascend on the field at the end of the games to celebrate the victory was such an exciting time.  We have hope that we will get to experience football in the spring (I guess time will tell:)

Can the excitement of a winning football team compare to the victory of Christ?  No, but I believe it can give us a tiny glimpse into the excitement and power that Christ brings to our lives.

When I think of victory in Jesus the first thing that comes to my mind is this song, Victory in Jesus.

Victory In Jesus

Guy Penrod

I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory

How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me

I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood’s atoning

Then I repented of my sins and won the victory

Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever

He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood

He loved me ‘ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him

He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood

I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing

How He made the lame to walk again and ’caused the blind to see

And then I cried, “Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit”

And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory

Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever

He sought me and He bought me with His redeeming blood

He loved me…

Are you singing it in your head now??

Jesus is the Victor.  He is our Victor, if we choose to believe that He died on the cross for our sins.   He is the first one to escape death.  He has destroyed the sting and power of death.  

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true:  “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

1 Corinthians 15:54

Christ shares his victory with us.  Because he lives, we too shall live.  Because Christ, by his resurrection, has defeated every evil power, one day, not only that promise but all of the Bible’s promises will come true for all who know and love Christ. 

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.  And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 1:20

We will live forever because Christ is Victor.