A Testimony from our founder:
Several years ago, I found myself wanting more from God and more for God. While I could not pinpoint what this looked like, I fearlessly committed to taking a first step toward living my life more fully for Him. In short, I determined that I needed to know him personally and intimately. For too long, I had relied on the wisdom and words of others to tell me about His greatness and I realized the need to personalize His word. Sadly, for a period of time, I resisted the urges and longings that the Holy Spirit had placed in my heart. These were nudges toward a deeper commitment that would require my devotion of time and energy toward knowing him. Occasionally, I would find myself submitting to the Holy Spirit. However, as I often do with physical exercise, my time was characterized by “fits and starts.” This random and careless approach contributed to my mediocrity and left me luke-warm, always knowing that I was missing something.
Thankfully, the Lord is persistent. Rather than give up on me, He provided me with additional tools in which to pursue his word. Most notably was a one-year Bible reading program. The premise is simple. Read a little bit everyday and, over time, you will have read the entire Bible. Of course, my commitment did not come without a fight. I resisted, utilizing the usual excuses about not having time and followed with other, more complicated justifications, ranging from intelligence to worthiness. Despite my defiance, I committed to reading everyday, for one year. I would read the entire Bible.
Needless to day, that year was filled days of extreme difficulty and days of extreme joy. This is true of any worthwhile endeavor. I was not, however, prepared for the life changes that would unfold. While I could go into these details, I think far more important are the implications a similar commitment might have on your own life. I do know that God has big plans for your life, as he does mine. I also know that this American life prevents us from fully discovering the life worth living that he promises. If you are feeling the pull of the Holy Spirit, inviting you to discover the freedom and abundance of a Christ-following life, join me on a one-year journey. Choose today, to set aside excuses and ask Him if this is the right choice for you.
~ BJ Armstrong, Elder at Eastview Christian Church.
To present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28)
6,000 Christ-followers who interact with and experience God, daily, through his living and active word
- God’s word is infallible
- God’s word is living, active and transformative (Romans 12:2, Heb 4:12)
- God provided us his word (2 Timothy 3:16)
- The Word reveals who God is and his character
- God’s word is worthy (Phil 4:8)
- The Heart’s joy and delight (Jer 15:16)
- Essential for salvation (1 Peter 1:23)