Thankful – Today and Every Day…

Today’s readings are Daniel 7-9, Psalm 91, and John 19.

Earlier this week our 7-year-old son began asking me questions about questions about Thanksgiving. He was somewhat confused because he realized it wasn’t necessarily a holiday in the Bible or celebrated by only Christians. He was asking who people are really thanking. I explained to him that as Christians we believe all that we have is given to us by God, so we are thanking God for His blessings. For this reason I’ve always loved Thanksgiving and rank it right up there with Christmas and Easter even though it isn’t officially a Christian holiday. As for non-Christians, I was having a hard time explaining it to him because it’s hard for me to even comprehend…I told him I guess they are just thankful. But as believers James 1:17 says it best..

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

And there is no gift we should be more thankful to God for than for Him giving His Son Jesus up on the cross as we read about in John 19. He turned the worst event and biggest injustice in the history of mankind, the only truly innocent man ever who never sinned suffering and dying a horrible death on the cross, into the greatest event in the history of mankind by using it for the forgiveness of each and everyone of our sins. It is truly hard to fathom how thankful we should be on this day and every day for this gift of mercy He gave us.

Jesus said in John 19:30, “It is finished.”

Titus 3:5 says, “he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy…”

Regardless of whatever challenges and hardships we are facing, this is something all Christ followers can reflect on and be thankful for today and every day. Our eternal salvation and life in Heaven is secure not through our doing, but only through His incredible grace on the cross.


Gods Word of Life

Chalk it up to a strong case of insecurity and a self-inflicted case of selfishness. Today’s reading of what we are focusing on is God’s Words of Life. It’s not too far into our assigned reading of John 6:25-59, and I found my life in Him.

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you have seen the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.  Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.  For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.

I can pick out the “food that spoils” I have selected along my journey. I can recall those that attempted to speak the truth to me, and I didn’t listen. The things of this world that look good, feel good, sound good but are not connected to Jesus are temporary. . It wasn’t until I genuinely ate of His bread that my life changed, and I indeed had the feeling of fullness.

This temporary physical life goes quick. The world will tell you one thing and make it feel like instant temporary gratification will make you “full.” It won’t. Only Jesus will provide you with this. The Son of Man came for you and me to give a full eternal life. Today’s a new day, what are you eating?


Expressions of God’s Anger & a prayer request

Today’s Reading: Revelations 15-17

Today we get the opportunity to read through some very intense, detailed reading that looks at the expression of God’s final anger.  I will admit that many of the descriptions and details were hard to imagine.  I lean back on the truth of God’s Word being the truth ad that when these days come if I’m still in this physical space, I want to be written in His book.

This anger described is in 7 bowls of wrath shared by seven angels.  These bowls included different wraths given around the following areas.

  1. Sores –  These were given to those who had the mark of the beast.
  2. Water – was turned to blood and all sea creatures died.
  3. Rivers and Springs-  of water were turned to blood.
  4. Sun –  people were burned by the heat.
  5. Throne of Beast – darkness
  6. The Euphrates – dries up, and the kings all come together for a battle. Frogs come from the mouth of dragons.
  7. Air – Lightning, thunder, earthquakes, and 100 lbs hail.

At the time of the seventh bowl, a loud voice came from the throne in the temple saying, “It is done!”

Going back to Revelation 13:16, the beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have the mark placed on their right hands or foreheads.  I had read a commentary saying these markings were put on their hands and foreheads based on actions and choices.

Chapter 17 talks about the great prostitute, beast, abominations, and impurities.  And while I struggled with all the meaning behind many of these stories, I landed on a few reminders.

They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with I’m recalled and chosen and faithful.”

As I read through these chapters, I was reminded of the importance of turning our life over to God.  Many had an opportunity to turn to God throughout these chapters, but they didn’t.  The infinite time we equally have consisted of 24 hours 7 days a week.  The most precious commodity we have is time.  The time we have with others gets shorter every day. I pray that we share in these days between Christmas and New Year with friends, family, and others who need to know of our Lord’s victory these days.  I ask for wisdom and prayers from all of you to share and influence my family in making this most important decision of their lives so they will continue to transform their own children’s lives.  Thank you.

Buckets or Fountains

Today’s Reading: John 7

John 7 is another glorious invitation that Jesus provides to the people. There was probably not a single day that went by where Jesus didn’t invite people to salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life.  If you go back to John 4, He invites the woman at the well.   “ The water that I give you is eternal or living water. Drink of this water, and you will never thirst again.”  Chapter 6 Lynden talked about the “bread of life.” 

As I read about the importance of small things from Lynden yesterday, I love how he highlighted the importance of bread.  Today we are going to talk about the simplicity and necessity of water.   Did you know that over 60% of your body is water?  That over 70% of your brain and heart is made up of water.  As adults, it is recommended that we drink 2.7 – 3.7 liters of water daily.  How much are you drinking? 


John 7: 37-39 reads, “Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the Scripture said, from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’  

Are you thirsty? Have you ever been dehydrated? Research shows how madness can set in when you have not had water after some time.  I connect this with not having Jesus in our lives as not having water.  Think of where you might be?

Three verbs stick out in this invite.  When you think about evangelism, it makes sense.  

  • Thirst – Recognizing your condition.  Realizing that you are apart from God, you will always want something to drink. 
  • Come – trust in Him, abandon sin and turn towards God. 
  • Drink – live with Him each day. Surrender daily. 

The last awesome part that convicts me in this scripture is the last line that reminds us that from our innermost being will flow rivers of living water. 

This is where my picture connects.  There are many days that I’m just like the bucket taking it all in and just sitting there—just getting my fill.  Jesus wants us to be a river sharing the living water with others just like He did every day.  

Who will you share with the Living Water with today? 

Have a blessed day!


You’re invited…what are you wearing?

Today’s Reading: Matthew 22

v 1-14 The Kingdom of heaven is like…

The more I’ve reflected on our wedding, the more memories jog my mind.  The details that were put into everything.  From invitations selection to music played to the food and cake served.  What an amazing day.  This summer Jennifer and I celebrated our 12th anniversary.  I know I don’t say it or recognize enough the masterpiece our Lord created in my wife and our three wonderful children Jackson, Marshall, and Gianna, but I know they truly are.

The parable that Jesus shares in Matthew 22 talks about a wedding that various groups are invited to. Everyone in town was invited to, yet people refused and paid no attention to the invite for one reason or another.  For those who finally came, some didn’t come dressed for such an occasion.   There is always some thought that gets put into your outfit when attending a wedding.  For me, this parable makes me reflect on what I’m wearing.  What d do I put on each day in the presence of the Lord? What are my actions as a preparation for a wedding feast in Heaven? People like to pretend that our choices or actions don’t matter much in our modern-day world, but this parable shows that it isn’t true.

God’s invitation from Him is not a light matter. We are accepting or rejecting this once-in-a-lifetime invite. Our answer matters.  Our actions matter. Our dress matters.

What are you wearing?

Ephesians 4:20- 24  20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Every morning we all wake up and get dressed for the day. Am I clothed in Humility?

1 Peter 5:5 and be clothed in humility…

I’m grateful for His mercies He has shown me for the moments when my character lacks, and actions don’t represent Him. Lamentations 3:22-23 says Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

You are invited.  Do you accept? As we prepare now for His Kingdom, are there any garments that you are missing? Am I truly dressed and ready, or do I think I am?

Psalm 139:23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

Lord,  I pray that my actions and words represent godliness in all I do.  In my sinful human moments, help me to repent and seek you.  Father, I know the Kingdom you have invited us to is bigger and better than anything the world has to offer.  Help me each day to know this truth and share it with others.  Amen

His Loving Patience

What a great Top 10 Lynden shared with us yesterday on things we take for granted.  His examples were definitely aligned with mine as a reminder about many of the things we have in this life. After Psalm 105’s reminder about the hidden things we take for granted comes a reminder in Psalm 106 of God’s grace and patience despite our forgetful and self-willed lives.

Todays Reading: Psalm 106

I read and listened to a recent Podcast that recommended going back and reading different Bible versions.  Today I landed on the Good news Translation.

1 Praise the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
his love is eternal.
2 Who can tell all the great things he has done?
Who can praise him enough?

Who can praise him enough? I know that I can’t.  Even if I started a list right now, I’d still be making a list for days to come. Take a moment to pause and reflect. Write it down in your journal, on the side of your bible, say them out loud.

  • Praise for His transformation in my life.
  • Praise for His love and grace He shows and gives me.
  • Praise for my family.
  • Praise for small groups.
  • Praise for 1777 posts Bible Journal has posted since 1/1/2016.

These were just some I thought about today.  As you continue to read through this chapter, you will be reminded of the importance of our obedience in verse 3.

3 Happy are those who obey his commands,
who always do what is right.

Verses 6-43 humble me and remind me of the blind, rebellious, and forgetful we can be in our sinful nature how stories from the Israelites shortcomings can connect back to our stories today.  To my story.  To yours.

Thankfully, we have a Father who has given and shows grace to those who deserved judgment. Verse 44-47.  God’s faithfulness to us is not dependent on our faithfulness to him.  Just a few weeks ago, we remembered that God sent His son to die for you and me.  He showed us grace when we were still sinners.  Imagine the grace He shows as his children.

44 Yet the Lord heard them when they cried out,
and he took notice of their distress.
45 For their sake he remembered his covenant,
and because of his great love he relented.
46 He made all their oppressors
feel sorry for them.

47 Save us, O Lord our God,
and bring us back from among the nations,
so that we may be thankful
and praise your holy name.

48 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel;
praise him now and forever!
Let everyone say, “Amen!”

Praise the Lord!


A Thrill of Hope

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14

I wonder how this landed on people seven hundred years before Christ came. We may accept this prophecy as known and believed today, but based on the responses in scriptures, they didn’t seem to. God With Us?  Could they imagine it or understand it?

When you zoom out from this moment with God, King Azah, and the prophet Isaiah, the landscape is heavy. Isaiah served as a prophet to the people of Judah and during the reign of four different kings. This time period experienced war  after war, and all the while Isaiah counseled the kings to trust only in the Lord. Wait on the Lord. But his advice fell on deaf ears resulting in defeats, captivity, and exile.

All the while, the people had turned away from God – their hearts weren’t in it. Interesting enough, they were still going to the temple and making sacrifices for their rebellion. They knew they weren’t following the Lord, but rather than truly repent and change, they tried to quick-fix their sins with worthless sacrifices. These sin and hypocrisy cycles continued for decades!

You know what I love about God and how he used Isaiah? In the midst of all of the disobedience from the kings and leaders of the nation, to the disobedience to the everyday people – at every level they had turned their backs on the Lord – but he remained. He still continued to give them hope. He didn’t leave them. He provided prophets to point the people back to himself. The thrill of hope is woven all through the book of Isaiah!

Isaiah is truly an amazing foretelling of Jesus. God used this one prophet to share so much hope and truth about our Messiah. The need of a savior was apparent, and Jesus Christ is our perfect provision!

        • The coming of Christ is announced in Isaiah 40:3-5
        • The virgin birth of Christ is foretold in Isaiah 7:14
        • The Good News through Christ is positioned in Isaiah 61:1
        • Christ’s death and sacrifice for our sins is outlined in Isaiah 52-53
        • Christ’s return and reign in Isaiah 60:2-3

These are just a few of the many recorded and fulfilled prophesies from Isaiah about the life and ministry of Christ.

When we zoom back in to what is happening specifically in Isaiah 7, we find King Azah too rebellious and too proud to ask God, or “test God”, even though God commanded him to. God wanted to have his whole heart and be fully trusted. Even after King Azah’s excuse to not ask God, God still offers him a sign of the future to come. A future of hope and salvation through Jesus. If the people would just trust the Lord and have faith! Today we can do exactly that. We can trust. We can follow the Lord. We can let go of our empty sacrifices and rely solely on the saving grace of Jesus.

As we continue looking toward the birth of Jesus, we can trust the one who sent him. He wants us to believe. He sent Jesus so He can be with us again. I’m praying that we all experience the thrill of the hope we have in Christ!

A Living Stone

What goes into building a strong structure? Time, energy, and a strong cornerstone. Together as the Church, we are all one strong structure that is supposed to uphold our faith with Jesus as our cornerstone. That means that we must see ourselves each individually as small building blocks.

As a stone to uphold a structure, how are we able to be good enough to work together as the church and have Christ as our cornerstone?

It may come to a surprise to some of us, but we are not perfect. Our Heavenly Father made us in His image, but sin has made us broken. When we are born into this world, we are made to be broken because of sin. How do we overcome sin and be in a relationship with Christ? We can’t, we can only believe in what God has done for us to be saved.

It is by faith alone through Jesus Christ that we come to know true salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit. As we come to a relationship with Christ, He calls us to believe in Him. That means to believe that we are made broken and in need of a Savior. Jesus is that Savior, fully God and man. He is eternal with the Father and Holy Spirit. Because God loves us and wants to be in relationship with us, He brought His Son down to Earth to preach the “good news” and to become an eternal sacrifice for all. Therefore, Jesus came to Earth as a baby, died on the cross as a man, and was resurrected to give us eternal life.

When we believe in this, there is a change in all of us. We see lives to start changing and go toward the Word of Jesus. In 1 Peter 2:4-5, Peter says, As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”. We come to Jesus broken and with a past. None of us are perfect or are called to be perfect when you come to a relationship with Jesus. We need a Savior and He wants us to be with Him.

Jesus makes us into living stones, building blocks, that will be rejected by others, but will make us into one whole structure. This structure is a royal priesthood that is in a relationship with Jesus. This structure is constantly growing and will continue to do so. The Church is unlike other structures or buildings, it will continue to transform each and every day. It will add more building blocks and become more refined, but always have a perfect cornerstone that allows the structure to never fall.

As the Chruch, let us grow more towards living like a royal priesthood and sharing the good news of the Gospel. Never forget that God’s grace is a blessing and gift towards us, that is worth sharing with everyone!

My Song

“The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.”

Psalm 118:14

Even though most of our family does not have much musical talent, with the exception of my mom, uncle, and late grandmother, for as long as I can remember music has been a big part of our lives. While riding in the back of my parents’ car at a very young age, my Dad would quiz me on what the name of oldies songs were and who sang them when they came on the radio. I even had to know the back story of the song or band. For example, not only who sang “For What It’s Worth” (no…the name of the song is not…..’Stop..hey…what’s that sound’) which is Buffalo Springfield..but my dad would ask, “Where did the band get their name?” To which I would reply, “Off the side of a steamroller..” and roll my eyes. I remember one time in high school biology our substitute teacher was doing random trivia questions when he asked, “Who sang the one hit wonder from the 60’s called ’96 Tears’?” To which I shouted out from the back, “Question Mark and the Mysterians!” He was in awe and said never ever in of all his years of substitute teaching had anyone answered that one correctly. Well…not only was knowing the name and artists of songs a big deal in our family anyway, but that one just happens to be my Dad’s favorite song. In soon as he started out with “Who sang this one hit wonder from the 60’s….” I had feeling he was going to ask that song before he even finished his sentence. I love music so much I often say it’s good that God didn’t give me even one ounce of musical talent because if He did I would probably be traveling the US trying to make it as an artist with little to no chance of doing so.

Up until about 10 years ago when we started going to a church that played contemporary music, Christian music unfortunately was not a part of my life though. I thought of Christian music as being something with an organ which I was not into and just didn’t connect with so to speak. Then, I began to really get into contemporary Christian music and sing along just like I did with my favorite rock or country songs. Who knew that Christian music and singing about God and His love for us can be “cool” and fun, too? Now, it’s about all I listen to. I don’t think it’s a coincidence with music being such a big connection in my life that I would also say that’s when I started to connect with God more, too.

Have you ever noticed how impactful music in general and often times a specific song is to people’s lives? We often crank up our favorite song after a great day or week or connect with a certain song to help us get through tough times as well. How about the joy of watching a very young baby or child move and dance to music? If that doesn’t bring a smile your face, I’m not sure what will. It seems as though God has wired us from birth to connect with music. He’s also wired us to seek a connection and relationship with Him. Our words to describe Him today from Psalm 118:14 reference earlier is “my song.”

Can you imagine life without music? I don’t know about you, but I feel it would be pretty boring and just downright depressing. That’s what a life without a connection and relationship with God is like..empty. He is our song….our joy…our happiness…despite whatever is going on in our lives.

The following verse in Psalm 118:15 says, “Glad songs of salvation are in the tents of the righteous…” None of us are righteous and without sin…but through His blood and faith in Him we are. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God.” When we have faith and a relationship with Him, we are righteous and it changes us. Knowing we are free from sin through His sacrifice brings us true and everlasting joy. The song that plays in the “tents” of our heart is Him and His salvation as Psalm 118:15 says.

Today, I would encourage you to read the rest of Psalm 118 and embrace how it describes that “His steadfast love endures forever…” Psalm 118:6 also reminds us, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” If you’re going through a rough time, try connecting with Him and making Him your song and joy.

Maybe you haven’t gotten into Christian music yet, but love country. Here’s a new one from Chris Tomlin featuring Florida George Line and Thomas Rhett you may not have heard yet to get you started. Or maybe you’re already into Christian music. Either way, I hope that any time we all hear it now it will be a reminder that He is our “song.”



Our daughter Gianna is now 2. As a newborn, I read that the only two fears infants have are loud noises and falling. At her young age, she has a fear of some bugs, large animals, heights by herself, and other things that her parents and older siblings have trained her to be afraid of. As an “adult” in my mid-40’s, the world’s fears have taken hold of me for many years.  These fears can include what I say, do, or act in front of others with underlining insecurity.  Fear can make you wonder if you have enough or hold a high enough position with the constant fear of failure.  The Lord’s transformation of my life started around ten years ago, even though I can point to various points in my life where I know the Lord has always been by my side.  Truth is he has never left you, I just never listened or opened my eyes.   Until I was willing to surrender my selfish pride and surrender to a losing battle, I found my salvatio. (salvation) Merriam-Webster has a few definitions for salvation like 1. deliverance from the power and effects of sin, 2. preservation from destruction or failure, 3. liberation from ignorance or illusion.  I feel like all three of these definitions fit me well at that time with some lingering effects.  But thankfully, our debt has been paid in full, and we have hope in our Lord.

Today’s verses are a couple of my favorites.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of life; of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

The world is sending a message always.  In these dark times, we can always look to the light.  As something or someone starts your anxiety level to rise, relax, turn to God our say in your head, “Whom shall I be afraid? ” As you begin to feel weak, and the physical or mental exhaustion kicks in.  Remember where your strength truly comes from.  Go ahead this morning, today, at lunch, dinner.  Say it to a friend, a colleague, child, your spouse.  The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I be afraid? The Lord is the stronghold of life; of whom shall I be afraid?  Repeat it if you need to. Say it as the pressures of the world enter into your day.

Remember Gianna, still semi-fearless besides what we as parents have instilled. No fear. She would jump from anything into your arms because they trust you.     I would want my children, my wife, and myself to remember this verse as the world attempts to enter fear into our minds.   Where are you today? Are you worried about something? School? Kids? Finances? Health?  Our Lord is right there waiting to be the light, to be your strength. To be your salvation.

The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my Father’s God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

Whom shall you be afraid?  Sing praise today; salvation is yours.

King of Kings