The King of All Kings

When you hear the word king, what does it mean to you? Webster’s defines “king” as “a male monarch of a major territorial unity who hold a position, especially one whose position is hereditary and who rules for life or a paramount chief; one that holds a preeminent position, especially: a chief among competitors.”

History tells us that kings have not always been the greatest men.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. – Lord Action

Has there ever been a king that served their people with selfless devotion? Has there ever been a king that was a perfect person, without sin? Has there ever been a king that died and rose from the dead, for their people?

Jesus is our King and He was perfect. He loves everyone, sinners and all. He modeled unconditional love and devotion during His time on Earth. He witnessed with reverence and care for His people. He carried the burden during His ministry, knowing He would ultimately be persecuted and murdered by the very people He was sent to save. Has mankind ever seen a greater demonstration of love?

The wonderful peace about our faith as Christians is that our King is the “King of all Kings.” Jesus was sent to Earth to save us from a broken world. Our King died for us.

Psalm 74:12 says “For God is my King from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.”

Even at our worst, God loves us. He created us and wants us to love Him. That is why He sent us Jesus, our King, to save us through His crucifixion and resurrection.

One of my favorite Christian songs is “King of Kings” by Hillsong Worship. Please take a few minutes and listen to the song. My favorite lyrics are the last line of the song.

By His blood and in His Name
In His Freedom, I am set free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me.

Jesus is the ultimate King, who used His ultimate power for our ultimate good. Praise the Father, Praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, three in One!

Heavenly Father, thank you for being the ultimate King. I praise you for your selfless gift, to give your life for us. I know that I am a sinner and that I don’t deserve that gift. But, I thank you and praise you for your love for me. Please help me feel your presence and influence in my life. I want a relationship with you. Thank you for my salvation. Amen.

Published by

Chad Bandy

I am a Jesus follower, husband, and father. I am a work in progress who tries to be better each and every day, with the help of Christ.