
Last week I was attempting to play some street hockey with my kids. As I was trying to go down the driveway, my stick gets stuck in to a gap between the driveway and road. As the end of the hockey stick jabbed me in the stomach, my feet went as high as my head, landing on my hand, then elbow, and then shoulder. My body and pride took a hit as the kids expected me to hop right back up like they usually do. I thought…

 In about a month, I will be turning 45.  Now some may say, “That’s old!”  Or some may say, “That’s young.”  or some may say, “ I’m right there with you.”  Wherever you land or, in my case, physically land, Jennifer was quick to remind me of my age and need for me to be injury-free in our household.  

I tell you this story to help you to reflect on our verses today.  These were the verses I read that night as I secretly rubbed my should and applied a little ice. Bothe verses connect with our word for today.  Sustain. When you look up the word sustainer, you will discover names like carrying, upholding, supporting, keeping from falling, or enduring.


Isaiah 46:4 even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save you.


Those who trust in the Lord can believe and have an assurance that He will sustain us through it all.  That day I had physically fallen, but the Lord picked me up and supported me.  At work, I had a plan not happen as planned.  This is where I  mentally fell.   I was talking to a family member who is on the verge of a divorce.  I spiritually fell after thinking of the prayers we had said.  Our Lord picked us right back up.  

Where have you fallen? Is it physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually? 

 Our Lord is here to carry, support, and endure anything the world throws at us or takes out from under our feet.  Are you worried a little today about anything? Let’s change it.  


David reminds us in 

Psalm 55:22  Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken. 

Are you trying to do it on your own? So maybe its the impact of COVID, a position at work, dealing with family, a recent failure? Whatever it may be.  Trust in the Lord.  He is our sustainer.  

Unspoken ~ You’ve Always Been

You’ve been my Savior, Sustainer when I’m at my end. My Healer, Redeemer, again and again, My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and friend and everything I’ve needed Lord, You’ve always been everything I’ve needed Lord, You’ve always been