Nations Prayer

Today’s Reading: Psalm 82

As we have read through the Psalms recently, we have been able to read from Asaph. (Asaph was a leader of one of the Temple choirs. 1 Chronicles 25:1) Whether Asaph was the author or just transcribing for David, these collections of Psalms (49,50, 73-83) celebrate the sovereignty of God, God’s hand in history, God’s faithfulness, and God’s covenant. These psalms remind us that the worship of our God the almighty should be continual.

At first, I had to look up Asaph and the Asaphites. These people were temple singers.  Asaph had the opportunity to see the best and the worst in the officials while serving and participating in public and private settings.  Psalm 82 reminds us that God is the true judge of all judges. The integrity of our justice system in a nation provides a clear indication of our society’s health.

On the dawn of an election day like today, I realize that whatever your vote may be, our ultimate judge will be our Lord. I pray for all those elected and in authority. 1 Timothy 2:2 says for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 

We can only pray for those in authority worldwide so that their societies will be those who spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Remember Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject under higher powers. 

I pray that all those elected already know or come to know our Lord more and more each day.  That in their roles, they are put in positions to do good. Please pray with me for these officials in authority that make decisions that can impact us, our children, and grandchildren.

Psalm 80:1 God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment: