Stand Up and Walk

How fitting the reading for today is to my current situation!

3 weeks ago I had an accident, I misjudged some stairs and crumbled to the ground. Thankfully I was able to hobble to the phone and call my Mom for help. I prayed that I only had sprained my ankle and began the R.I.C.E method. 48 hours later my husband encouraged me to go get an X-ray. The Dr was amazed that I had been able to get around for two days as he saw 2 cracks in my fibula right above my ankle. I had to swallow my pride as I left the office in a full cast and crutches with instructions to not put any weight on that leg for 2 full weeks.

I took walking for granted! Scooting around with the help of a scooter and scooting up the stairs for the past 2+ weeks has opened my eyes to a whole new world. It is hard. It is hard to rely on others and ask for help. Thankfully, I have had ample help. I am now am in a walking boot and becoming more independent every day.

In Acts 3, Peter and John met a man in Jerusalem who had been crippled from birth. This man was destitute and relegated to begging on the streets for money, food, and help.

Peter and John were able to offer him something that he needed more than anything. Something more than the need to walk, which as I have recently experienced is a very necessary part of life. They did not offer him money, food or provision. They offered him Jesus! And, graciously, by God’s mercy and power, the man was given salvation and the ability to walk.

This is such a good reminder! We might have piles of problems we want God to fix. I sure want God to heal my broken leg right this moment! We might have money troubles, marriage troubles, sickness, or grievances with others. Yet, the most important thing that we need is not a quick fix from God. The most important thing we need is our Savior Jesus Christ.

Today in our reading of Acts 3 we see power from Jesus to heal. He can help us with our everyday problems, but more than that we see the power that Jesus has to SAVE. He can and has forgiven all our sins!

The man ran and jumped and praised God! Sure he was happy and relieved that he could walk, but he was now going to Heaven!!

Faith in Jesus’ name has healed this man standing before you. It is the faith that comes through believing in Jesus’ name that has made the crippled man walk right in front of your eyes!
Acts 3:16