Praise = Peace

Gratitude, meditation, spiritual practice… trending ideas and buzz words that are all rooted in the Word, and not at all new concepts in the early church or with Christ followers today. So what exactly does the Bible say about gratitude, and how do we apply it today?

A frequently quoted scripture can be found in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, where he encourages them to be anxious for nothing, but in everything give thanks. Paul tells them this is because God is at hand (Philippians 4:5). Meaning, because the Lord is working on our behalf, because He is near to us, we do not have to worry. Instead, through prayer and thanksgiving we approach God with our needs, and His peace will fill our minds.

What a powerful encouragement! Because God is working, our act of thanksgiving not only glorifies the Father, but it covers us in peace! The act of gratitude comes back and blesses US!

As we’ve spent the past few months journeying through the Psalms, have you noticed the theme of David’s heart of gratitude? So much praise and worship for who God is, what He has done, and what He will do in the future. Our Psalm today (Chapter 86) carries this same message, and I’m drawn specifically to verse 12.

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord,
nor are there any works like yours.
All the nations you have made shall come
and worship before you, O Lord,
and shall glorify your name.
10 For you are great and do wondrous things;
you alone are God.
11 Teach me your way, O Lord,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.
12 I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
and I will glorify your name forever.
13 For great is your steadfast love toward me;
you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.

With my whole heart. What would that look like in my life? Do I surrender my whole heart, my entire being, when I practice gratitude? Am I able to fully devote my praise to the Lord? Or is my thanksgiving a half-hearted routine muttering of niceties? Have my thank you’s become mannerly and procedural, lacking zeal and true joy? Are they genuine or are the obligatory at times? Does the splendor of His creation or the undeserved grace I experience ever get old? 

Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts, details her experience and learning of gratitude in the small and everyday, and the joy it brings. She shares that through the expression of gratitude for the life we already have, we come to know how wildly loved we are by God. This is part of the joy process that brings overwhelming peace.

I believe the Bible gives us formulas like this to unlock the fullness that God has for us. David shows us all through the Psalms how he was afraid, he was pleading for shelter, seeking forgiveness, and at the same time, he would break out in song and prayers of gratitude. David knew that when he wanted peace, he gave God praise.

Here’s something we can be grateful for – a God that instructs us! Not only is He the source of overwhelming peace and joy – He tells us how to get it! A heart wholly grateful for who He is and what He has done.

Lord, thank you for the steps to experience your peace. You are an amazing provider! I ask you to help me surrender any parts of my heart that aren’t fully praising you. Show me the little corners I might be holding back or allowing to be distracted, or want to control. You alone can bring full joy and peace! Amen



Psalm 85: Celebrate! He will restore us again.

After a brief dance with freedom, the region where we live in Italy went back to stricter measures from “yellow zone to orange zone” mid-February 2021. This resulted in closing restaurants for dining-in at any time, imposing curfews, and restricting movement.

Then mid-March like a change in the wind, the entire country suddenly changed to a “red zone” (and as of the publishing of this post it has changed to red and orange). Most of our readers are Americans so you might have a hard time believing this, but the following restrictions are true, without embellishment. I’m not creative enough to make this up. There’s no “got ya!” at the end of this list.

For now, a red zone in Italy means:

  1. You are not allowed to visit or meet relatives or friends.
  2. You may only leave your home for proven work, education or health reasons, or for matters of necessity. If you leave your home and are stopped by the police for a check, you must be able to justify your reasons using the self-declaration form and show a form of ID. Breaking these rules can result in being fined between $475 – $3,500 (€400 – €3,000), criminal charges, and even imprisonment.
  3. You may take a walk close to your home, but must keep a physical distance of at least one meter and you must wear a face mask.
  4. Shops are closed (apart from those deemed essential such as grocery stores, newspapers and pharmacies). Gyms and beauty parlors are closed.
  5. Restaurants may only sell takeout until 10:00 PM. No dining inside whatsoever.
  6. Secondary schools/universities are closed for in-person learning.

And that’s just a summary… It feels oppressive, a loss of freedom. People are lonely and frustrated. Rules changed quickly. Everyone knows there is a pandemic and the reasons being given for the measures, however it is still painful, confusing and oftentimes mysterious.

Full disclosure: We recently left Italy legally for a temporary taste of freedom in a different country and it is a night and day comparison. Leaving the restrictions has brought a new and refreshing perspective, even for just a short time.

Today’s reading is Psalm 85 and reminds me of our journey and the other stories going on in most of our lives:

  1. Verses 1-3 talk about what God did in the past: Blessings and forgiveness. Most of us long for the “old days” when life seemed much easier.
  2. Verses 4-7 acknowledge God’s anger as a result of our sin. We ask God to do again what he did in the past so that we can rejoice: Restoration, revival, salvation. Don’t stop praying and don’t stop asking.
  3. Verses 8-9 reflect repentance; hearts that do not want to return to sin. These verses also reflect anticipation; waiting patiently and trusting faithfully he will respond.
  4. Verses 10-13 are a celebration of God and his response, putting God in his rightful place, giving him all the glory.

10 Unfailing love and truth have met together.
    Righteousness and peace have kissed!
11 Truth springs up from the earth,
    and righteousness smiles down from heaven.
12 Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings.
    Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. (Psalm 85:10-12)

What’s the point? What’s the answer to our problems in a world that seems unfair? Jesus. While we didn’t create this pandemic nor have most of us committed horrific crimes against humanity, we’re all guilty of sin that separates us from God. Jesus is the restorer. He’s the truth. His love is unfailing. God’s anger is no more upon us if we choose repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. We celebrate today his victory over death. We celebrate that no matter what happens here on this broken planet, He will restore us again, and we will be with him for eternity.

Psalm 84 – Dwelling Place

I was reading a couple articles this week about how COVID 19 has affected a variety of different living patterns like how we shop, how/where we work and where we live.  Several of them were trying to predict which of the changes are temporary and will soon shift back to pre-COVID patterns, versus which changes have become a lasting “new normal”.  For the most part, there was consensus that WFH (Working From Home) is here to stay.  In other words, the authors predict the vast majority of employees who have successfully performed their job duties from home instead of the office this last year, are likely to have some level of increased freedom to work from home more often than they did before the pandemic.

Is that good or is that bad?  I guess it depends on your perspective.  For those of us associated with the single family residential real estate industry, the impact of the WFH shift has been overwhelmingly positive so far.  Nothing makes you want to remodel your outdated house, or move to an entirely new house that better fits your needs, more than having to stay at home 24 hours a day, every day!

How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty!  My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord (Psalm 84:1-2).

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;  I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked (Psalm 84:10).

As I read our passage for today and pictured the Sons of Korah, or temple assistants, singing about the eternal home God is preparing for his followers, I couldn’t help but think about the emotional buying that has engulfed the residential real estate market over the past few months.  Because of record low inventory, home buyers have been willing to forgo house inspections, willing to waive appraisals, and even willing pay more than asking price to win the right to purchase a house.

Read verse Psalm 84:2 again – My soul years, even faints, for the courts of the Lord.  Can you feel a similar emotional longing?  While the Psalmist refers to the “dwelling place” and the “courts” of the Lord, he doesn’t really mean a physical structure like we picture a dwelling place or a home.  In reality, his longing is to dwell in the presence of the Lord.

In similar fashion, when you think of your home, is it the physical structure that brings out the emotion in you?  I doubt it.  While the physical structure may bring a level of safety and security, it is the people and relationships that actually give it meaning.  Can you think of the first place you lived with your spouse?  What about the room where you rocked you newborn back to sleep in the wee hours of the morning?  Or the kitchen table around which you shared meals with those you love night after night?  I’m guessing those memories stir some emotion in your heart, some longing for the people with whom you shared those physical spaces.

Family and friends with whom we can share our lives are a gift from God, and I am grateful for them.  But nothing, and no one, here on earth will ever compare to being in the presence of God for eternity.  What a day that will be!



Psalm 83

Psalm 83:1  “O God, don’t sit idly by, silent and inactive!”.

Psalm 83 is the last Psalm of Asaph and a prayer for God to rescue his people, the Israelites. The first verse alerts us to the urgency of the situation.  There are times when we are waiting for God to move and in all of our humanity we wonder and start to worry……”O God, don’t sit idly by, silent and inactive!”. What is He doing? Does He really care about us? Will he allow the enemy to take over and win? Is there a plan? When will it happen? When will we see His victory?

The enemies were all around Israel. They prayed that God would bring them through as He had so many times before.  The evidence of His power was shown to them through defeats of the Midianites and many others.  What moments can you recall throughout your life where God rescued you? Do you believe God will continue to fight for you as He has in the past?

The Israelites are God’s chosen people. He has continued to take care of them to this day.  While this prayer was meant for the protection of the Israelites it is pertinent in our lives today. As believers in Jesus we are also chosen. I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and is the blueprint for our lives. As I watch things unfold in our world today I catch myself relating to the cry, “O God, don’t sit idly by, silent and inactive”.  I am concerned about the future if it continues on its current trajectory. But I also know that God has done many miraculous things already and He will continue to do so. I have faith that He is not “sitting idly by, silent and inactive”. He is Lord over all. Our prayer should be that all would come to know the power and love of our savior Jesus.

Psalm 83:13-18 O my God, blow them away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind! As a fire roars through a forest and as a flame sets mountains ablaze, chase them with your fierce storms; terrify them with your tempest. Utterly disgrace them until they submit to your name, O Lord. Let them be ashamed and terrified forever. Make them failures in everything they do, until they learn that you alone are called the Lord, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth.



Nations Prayer

Today’s Reading: Psalm 82

As we have read through the Psalms recently, we have been able to read from Asaph. (Asaph was a leader of one of the Temple choirs. 1 Chronicles 25:1) Whether Asaph was the author or just transcribing for David, these collections of Psalms (49,50, 73-83) celebrate the sovereignty of God, God’s hand in history, God’s faithfulness, and God’s covenant. These psalms remind us that the worship of our God the almighty should be continual.

At first, I had to look up Asaph and the Asaphites. These people were temple singers.  Asaph had the opportunity to see the best and the worst in the officials while serving and participating in public and private settings.  Psalm 82 reminds us that God is the true judge of all judges. The integrity of our justice system in a nation provides a clear indication of our society’s health.

On the dawn of an election day like today, I realize that whatever your vote may be, our ultimate judge will be our Lord. I pray for all those elected and in authority. 1 Timothy 2:2 says for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 

We can only pray for those in authority worldwide so that their societies will be those who spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Remember Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject under higher powers. 

I pray that all those elected already know or come to know our Lord more and more each day.  That in their roles, they are put in positions to do good. Please pray with me for these officials in authority that make decisions that can impact us, our children, and grandchildren.

Psalm 80:1 God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment:

Are we listening?


Psalm 81 6-16

    I hear this most gentle whisper from One
    I never guessed would speak to me:

6-7 “I took the world off your shoulders,
    freed you from a life of hard labor.
You called to me in your pain;
    I got you out of a bad place.
I answered you from where the thunder hides,
    I proved you at Meribah Fountain.

8-10 “Listen, dear ones—get this straight;
    O Israel, don’t take this lightly.
Don’t take up with strange gods,
    don’t worship the popular gods.
I’m God, your God, the very God
    who rescued you from doom in Egypt,
Then fed you all you could eat,
    filled your hungry stomachs.

11-12 “But my people didn’t listen,
    Israel paid no attention;
So I let go of the reins and told them, ‘Run!
    Do it your own way!’

13-16 “Oh, dear people, will you listen to me now?
Israel, will you follow my map?
I’ll make short work of your enemies,
give your foes the back of my hand.
I’ll send the God-haters cringing like dogs,
never to be heard from again.
You’ll feast on my fresh-baked bread
spread with butter and rock-pure honey.”

Happy Easter.
God is awesome.
He has given us the amazing opportunity to experience his love and joy. For most of my life I had the perception that Easter was only one day. I knew it as Resurrection Sunday. But as I grew older, I found that Easter was not just a day but it is a season that spans over 40 days after the resurrection of Christ.
In this psalm we see that God is speaking to the children of Israel. In God‘s beautiful providence, he is showing it as directly after the Passover. We are completing the Passover. This is Psalm is directly to speaking to us today. In this song God is telling us again about his love for us and how he has provided for us and how He will continue to provide for us. The one thing you have to remember as his children we need to LISTEN to his direction.
There are so many times in my life where I’ve had my mentors and family members tell me a story. They can tell the story several times. The story can be told so many times it can become an inside joke. We have heard stories so many times that we can tell it word-for-word from the person telling the story. One thing that we cannot do is miss the underlying meaning . We have to acknowledge the story but also remember and analyze the story each time it is told.
In this song the children from Israel have been out of Egypt for several centuries. The meaning of the Passover is to remember the deliverance that God gave their ancestors. But over the years they have forgotten what God has done for them. In this song they are re-telling the story to make sure that we listen.
It is Easter, we have the joy of the resurrection and the blood. Are we listening? What is God telling us? This Easter we were able to celebrate with others, but last Easter we were sheltering in place. This Easter we can celebrate open, last Easter we could not touch each other. This Easter we are able to celebrate at church, last year we were fearful of touching or breathing on each other. What has God revealed to you in this last year and how will it change your relationship with Him? Will we have to have another awakening with verse and psalm centuries from now?
Be blessed.

May His Face Shine Upon You

“Restore us, O Lord God of hosts; Cause Your face to shine on us [in favor and approval], and we shall be saved.”
Pslam 80:19 (AMP)

Psalm 80 is a cry to the Lord for His restoration. It was a time of tribulation and distress. God’s chosen people, Israel had turned away from Him. This chapter in the book of Psalms is a cry out to the Lord God Almighty for restoration and revival.

There are 3 instances in this chapter where the people call on God for restoration:
Verse 3 – Restore us, O God; Cause Your face to shine on us [with favor and approval], and we will be saved.
Verse 7 – Restore us, O God of hosts; And cause Your face to shine on us [with favor and approval], and we will be saved.
Verse 19 – Restore us, O Lord God of hosts; Cause Your face to shine on us [in favor and approval], and we shall be saved.

Do you see the pattern here? The people were desperately looking for restoration. When you seek the Lord, if your cry is from your heart, the light of Jesus will shine upon you. Jesus is the true light that gives light to everyone.

In Him was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the Light of men.
John 1:4

In this season, we also may be looking for restoration, freedom, and/or forgiveness. We may be looking for healing. And behold, tomorrow is Easter. We are reminded of how God raised His Son from the dead so that we may have life. If we turn from our sinful ways and seek Him, He will forgive us and give us a new life. Jesus assures us in His Word.

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
John 10:10

May His Face Shine Upon You this Easter Weekend.  Bless You.





Psalm 79: His People

Reading Psalm 79, it’s a bummer to see how not that much has changed in relation to God’s people and the scorn they get at the hands of the world around them. Such as in Psalm 79:4 – in Asaph’s words, do you feel echoes of things you’ve heard recently? Of people deriding, mocking, looking down upon us for our faith? Everyone seems to have more and more stories today of encounters or experiences with those scoffing at expressions of faith while propping up secularism, mysticism, and antitheism on pedestals.

In times when faith is tested, especially in monumental ways like today’s vast cultural schisms, some can see it as a reason to doubt God’s providence; rather, surely these are signs of the church’s ever-greater need to outwardly display it. And Psalm 79 is a great example in my mind of doing so by holding fast to hope in God’s righteousness. Verse 9 in this passage says, “Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive us our sins for your name’s sake.” We must set ourselves apart as Christ-like in all words and actions in this world, letting all people see and experience the changing power of Christ in our lives through our abstinence of sin, deliverance from evil, and embracing of visible, indisputable spiritual transformation. 

As verse 10 put it, “Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?”” We should offer non-believers no opportunity to point out hypocrisy in God’s people as we walk blameless paths in life and reflect Christ’s grace towards us to those around us. People should be able to see our lives and clearly know where our hearts lie. But this doesn’t always turn out to be the case, does it? Amidst this Psalm, Asaph’s own people are likely experiencing the long-term after-effects of Israel’s works of evil (2 Chronicles 36). But like Asaph approached God in begging for forgiveness of their sins, rather than clinging to the sins of our past – “do not remember against us our former iniquities” needs effort on our part too – we must embrace repentance & embody Christ’s forgiveness, and become a people radiating that undeniable love right now in a way that can’t be ignored. I read Romans 12, and ask myself: what could possibly be more radically astounding and mind-blowing to today’s world than a true Christian?

Let this be a reminder that when expressing and living our faith is perilous, God has ensured victory for His faithful. When we cry out to God despite whatever has happened to us, we know He will address His enemies appropriately in our stead, and deliver us into His kingdom. Verse 13 of this passage says “Then we the people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise.” Take a deep breath this Friday morning, and remember how God has delivered His people through trials before; and when they remain faithful, they have endured by His might. Pray with me now for the day that we are justified; that Christ would soon claim His victory over His enemies many times over; and for the day after God’s people once more overcome their trials, when we too will recount His praise forevermore through eternity.

Our Responsibility

Today’s reading is Psalm 78.

Here in verses 9 through 66 the psalmist recalls the history of God rescuing the Israelites from slavery and then providing for them in the desert as they traveled towards the Promised Land. Yet despite this, they continued to doubt God’s greatness and provision and continued to sin against Him. I could not help but read this and think of the parallels between the Israelites and our country today.

Our American ancestors moaned that they were not free from British rule and rightly so, yet after fighting for freedom they did not give the same freedom and rights to Black Americans or women…keeping Black Americans as slaves for nearly 100 more years and not allowing women to vote for about 150 more. Nearly 250 years later, we still see racism and sexism present in our country. And although we should continue to pray and take action to end both, I fear we can only improve but that neither will end fully as long as there is sin in this world until Jesus comes again. Our country also continues to glorify lifestyles that the Bible clearly states are not what God wants by normalizing these ways of living in movies, TV shows, and even commercials. Christians who stand firmly on the Bible’s word are then alternatively demonized.

Not only do we as a country continue to move away from God’s will for our lives, but we also continue to question God’s greatness and provision similar to the Israelites (see Psalm 78:10-20). Suicide rates, depression, and anxiety continue to increase. We fear the next virus or economic crash and despite our lack of trust and faith, God continues to richly bless us in similar ways to the Israelites. It may not be parting of the Red Sea, manna and quail falling from the sky, or water spewing from a rock, but God continues to provide for us and improve our lives…even if we don’t attribute to Him because we are not viewing things through the correct lens.

For example, in 1960 when John F. Kennedy was elected President, 50% of the world lived in extreme poverty, now it’s about 10% with even less in the US. Despite the recent pandemic, US households have the highest inflation adjusted incomes in history and paid down record amounts of debt in 2020, as well as hold two times the amount in checking accounts as they did at the end of 2019. Many are still struggling yes, but the data shows most people’s lives are improving financially and poverty and hunger are becoming closer and closer to being eradicated each and every year. Most junior high students have a phone in their backpack with more computing power than was used to power the first Apollo mission to the moon. Yet we continue as a country to doubt God’s provision and separate ourselves more from Him and His biblical values and instruction. See the parallels when it comes to the Israelites and us now?

With even public schools now removing prayer and God from nearly everything and forcing the teaching of other worldly, non-Biblical views at very young ages, what are parents and grandparents to do? How do we change this trajectory our country is on currently to move further and further away from God and His teachings? Psalm 78:1-8 tells us.

Give ear, O my people to my


incline your ears to the words

Of my mouth!

I will open my mouth in a parable.

I will utter dark saying from

of old,

things that we have heard and known,

that our fathers told us.

We will not hide them from

their children,

but tell to the coming generation

the glorious deeds of the Lord,

and his might,

and the wonders that he has


He established a testimony in


and appointed a law in


which He commanded our


to teach to their children,

that the next generation might

Know them,

The children yet unborn,

and arise and tell them to their


so that they should set their

hope in God,

but keep His commandments;

and that they should not be like

their fathers,

a stubborn and rebellious


a generation whose heart was

not steadfast,

whose spirit was not faithful to God.


We as believers and followers of God’s Word must teach it and tell of His great works and provision in our lives to our children and grandchildren. We cannot merely leave it up to attending church and Sunday school and think that the next generations will believe and follow God’s will based on that alone. The Bible has always taught us it’s our responsibility in our homes. However, it is even more necessary in today’s world where God’s teachings are merely not just excluded, but again demonized as hate and discrimination while other ungodly views are forced upon our children in media and schools.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

God knew the teaching of His Word was needed at home and that we needed consistent exposure…even before the outside influences of Hollywood entertainment and social media of today.

Think of the impact we can have by teaching our children. God has blessed my wife and I with three children and a fourth on the way. If our four children have four children who they teach God’s Word who have four children who do the same and so on and so forth…in 10 generations that would be 1,048,576 who have believed and followed the will and Word of God. And think of the impact each of them would have telling others about God who might believe and teach His Word and the Gospel to their families to not only follow God’s will but have eternal life?!

I would encourage each of to reflect today and pray for wisdom on how we can improve in the frequency of teaching God’s Word, telling of his provision, and of course speaking about His saving grace on the cross to our children and grandchildren. Imagine the difference this will have on them and their lives and generations to come!

Which Side of the Coin Do You See?




I don’t know the circumstances that caused Asaph to pen this psalm but they sound dire!

-I was deep in trouble

-I prayed but my soul was not comforted

-I am longing for His help

-I can’t sleep

-I can’t even pray

-Has the Lord rejected me?

-Will He never again be kind to me?

-Is His unfailing love gone forever?

-Have His promises permanently failed?

-Has God forgotten to be gracious?

-Has He slammed the door on His compassion?


For 10 verses Asaph cries and shouts out to God in fear, brokenness, hurt and despair. He feels abandon by God. He is wondering what has changed in his relationship with God that makes him feel this way. All seems lost… fear and pain rule his thoughts. And then verse 11 says, “But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.”


-Your wonderful deeds are constantly in my thoughts

-I can’t stop thinking about your mighty works

-Your ways are holy

-Is there any God as mighty as You?

-You are the God of wonders!

-You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations

-By your strong arm, you redeem your people


Asaph is in terrible circumstances. He is gripped by despair and fear because his circumstances have grown bigger, more awful and all consuming. He isn’t able to see or feel anything but abandonment by God. And then… Asaph remembers. His mind is suddenly redirected. Asaph begins to think on past experiences with God that remind him of God’s faithfulness and goodness.  For Asaph, the coin has flipped. His thoughts make a 180 degree turn.  His mindset is completely changed from wallowing in his negative circumstances to concentrating on God’s power and might. Remembering truths about God, and setting your mind on those truths is powerful! It doesn’t appear that Asaph’s circumstances changed at all. His problems weren’t suddenly solved. Asaph’s outlook changed because he quit looking at his mess and started looking at God. G. Campbell Morgan said “The message of this Psalm is that to brood on sorrow is to be broken and disheartened, while to see God is to sing on the darkest day. Once we come to know that our years are of His right hand, there is light everywhere.”


I experienced this for myself last week. A friend invited me out to the country to take a walk with her. As we walked, we talked and each shared some things that we had been struggling with. As I was sharing my struggle, I was telling her every angle of my issue to help her understand that there was no human way out of this issue. No one can see the future and the only way to solve my “problem” was to know the exact circumstances I would face seven months from now. I knew there were no answers because I had been stewing over the issue for the past five months and I kept landing in helplessness. When I finally took a breath, she stopped walking and said, “Do you mind if we stop right now and pray together over this issue?” Amazing wisdom from a dear friend at the right time stopped me in my tracks and refocused my weary and frustrated mind on God instead of my problem. As we stood in the woods with the sun shining on our cheeks, we dropped my issue in God’s hands. For me, the relief was palpable. Let’s be clear. I still don’t know the future. I don’t have any idea how my issue is going to shake out in real time seven months from now, but I got my mind off of the problem and on to my God who cares about this issue as much as I do. I can look back over His faithfulness in the last forty years of my relationship with Him and know that He will not abandon me when this “issue” takes place. He will be there, and He will work. I don’t know what those days will look like and I don’t know exactly how He will work, but I know He is trustworthy. Getting my mind off of my problem and on to Him completely changed my outlook. What is filling your mind today with fear, worry or dread? Can you stop, right now and recall His holy ways, His wonderful deeds, His awesome power and His mighty works?