Numbers 30-33, Psalm 35, Luke 3
Chad’s post yesterday stirred up my own desire for greatness. Some days, I want to be like Elon Musk, changing the way the world works. Or maybe Mark Cuban, one investor at a time. Often, my desire to change the world is twisted. I have to be careful. Do I want to change the world, or do I want the world to be shaped by me?
John the Baptist didn’t see it this way. He had no interest in power or possessions. He was consumed only with the love and power of God and from that, he did what came naturally. He went into all the regions around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3).
It is no surprise that John’s passion and fever led others to view him as a leader. The people wanted more. But, John was clear. His mission was not to be the one. No, his mission was merely to tell as many people as possible that he who is mightier than I is coming (Luke 3:16).
I have to be careful with my desire for greatness. I do want to change the world. But not to look more like me.