Problems and Solutions

Joel, Matthew 10

There is an exercise that shows up often in self-help books.  It asks you to rate yourself in seven categories

  • Health
  • Spiritual
  • Financial/Money
  • Career/Job
  • Physical
  • Relationships
  • Fun/Recreation

Go ahead.  On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself in each category.

Now, consider this.  How does your ranking reflect your relationship with Jesus?  Matthew 10:32 says that when we acknowledge Him, He will acknowledge us to the Father.  But, Jesus warns, if you do not acknowledge me, I will not acknowledge you.

A more effective approach to this exercise incorporates Jesus.

Using the same scale of 1 to 10, how well do you acknowledge him with:

  • Your health
  • Your spiritually
  • Your Money
  • Your career/Job
  • Your physical self
  • Your relationships
  • Your fun and recreation

If your responses correlate, as mine do, the solution is obvious.