Blessed to be a Blessing

Today’s reading is Deuteronomy 19-22, Psalm 6, and Luke 10.

Within Luke 10 we read the famous parable Jesus told of the Good Samaritan. A man had been beaten badly and robbed on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. In fact, it says in Luke 10:30 he was “half dead.” Both a priest and a Levite passed by him. However, a Samaritan stopped and gave him medical care, paid for a hotel for him to stay overnight to heal, and even told the hotel keeper that if he needs more help, I’ll give you more money when I come back. Why was this such a big deal? Well Samaritans were from the former Northern Kingdom of Israel, and they bred with the Assyrians who were gentile and as a result followed some different religious practices. In fact, Jews would rather cross the Jordan than have to travel through Samaria. They were considered “unclean,” and Jews would not expect these good actions from a Samaritan.

Jesus is underscoring here that a person’s heart and actions are what matters, not their background, position, or title. And those who sometimes have the title or background, are just playing a part without the actual heart. And those who may come from different backgrounds or have no status, actually have the heart. The old saying goes, you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Many of you remember the NBA’s bad boy Dennis Rodman, his rap sheet is pretty long, However, I recently read a story that when he was with the Chicago Bulls. he would buy out Toys ‘R Us and deliver them to the children’s hospital in Boston when the Bulls played the Celtics without allowing any cameras or reporters. Not many would expect this from him, especially with no fanfare. We hear this and yet regularly we hear of religious and political leaders doing shady things.

My oldest son is 11. I recently shared with him that one way to tell the quality of a person such as maybe a girl he may like is to see how they treat those who can’t give them anything in return or someone in the service industry who they may be only interacting with one time like a waiter/waitress or someone serving them at the drive-thru. Are they your “friend” because they genuinely like you and are a good person, or because they feel they can personally benefit from a relationship with you?

Many of us build relationships with team members, bosses, and potential clients and we go out of our way to do something nice or special for them. There is nothing wrong with this if our heart and motivation is pure. It is good for us to reflect though if we also go out of our way to help others who we can’t get anything in return from or may never see again.

While I think it’s often best that the love of Jesus comes out of our heart in unplanned ways, here are 2 ideas I’ve heard of that I like with the 1st being one I do spontaneously and the 2nd now every time I stay in a hotel.

  • When going out to dinner and you have good service, leave a larger than normal tip to bless the server and write on the receipt so they know they are appreciated and God tugged on your heart to do a little more for them.
  • When you stay in the hotel, leave a tip on your last day for the housekeeper and note thanking them with a Bible verse. I know I never dreamed of leaving a tip for the housekeeper in the past, but once I heard this idea I couldn’t believe I hadn’t previously since this has to be one of the most undesirable jobs in my mind. It’s a great way to thank them and let them know they are appreciated.

You never know what kind of tough day your server or housekeeper may be having and how this may change how they feel and most importantly even point them to Jesus as a source of peace and comfort which we all need.

I must say once I had an awareness, these 2 examples and even giving money to a beggar and telling them I’ll pray for them is somewhat quick and easy for me. I know my bigger opportunity now is to take next steps with those in need where it might be appropriate for me to invest more time in going deeper to build a relationship within one interaction or even greater, being willing to build a relationship which will go on beyond that single interaction.

What about you? Where is your opportunity to show the love of Jesus in your heart to others?

Counting Steps

Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 6; 1 Timothy 3; Daniel 10; Psalm 119:1–24

Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Psalm 119:1

Good Morning Everyone, let’s put on our Fitbit for God and look at our daily steps.  These devices can count our steps and can also check our heart-rate.  It can tell us where we have gone and guide us to where we want to go.  With the touch of a button this information is shared with you and others if you would like.  As Christians, having God’s word available is like a press of a button allowing you to navigate every step towards an eternity with Him.  This Fitbit helps us stay on track with our faith and training for growth.  So let’s push the button in the start of Psalm 119 and see where we are at as we count our steps.

Step: Psalm 119:1 Blameless and Walking in the Law of the Lord – stay righteous Proverbs 11:20

Step: Psalm 119:2  Keep His testimonies – love and serve Deuteronomy 11:13

Step:  Seek with a Whole Heart – 100% all the time Psalm 139:23

Step: Psalm 119:4 Precepts keep diligently – focus and be intentional about his commandments Deuteronomy 4:13

Step: Psalm 119:6 Eyes fixed on Commandments – Ephesians 1:18

Step: Psalm 119:7 Praise Him – He deserves it all for all he has done and will do Psalm 33:1

So as you take steps today push the button to take a pulse on each step, each interaction, each hour spent, each conversation, each thought, each prayer. Allow God through His word guard you, teach you, focus your heart, and open your eyes to all that he has in store for us. Go ahead take the next step. God is with you always!

Two Diseases

1200px-Biohazard.svgDeuteronomy 13–14; Psalms 99–101; Isaiah 41; Revelation 11

According to John Calvin, “every man labors under two diseases. In prosperity, he exalts himself extravagantly, and shakes off the restraint; of humility and moderation; but, in adversity, he either rages, or lies in a lifeless condition, and scarcely has the smallest  perception of the goodness of God.”[1]  I was thinking about this as I read Psalm 100 today.  Consider how each of these “diseases” cause us to interpret the Scripture differently.

Psalm 100 (ESV) In Prosperity In Adversity
1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Declare your gratification and happiness for everyone to see. Grumble to all the world, as loud as you can!
2 Serve the Lord with gladness!   Come into his presence with singing! Be happy with what you have done. Sing away, life is good! Do your work, even in agony. Come into God’s presence with despondency
3 Know that the Lord, is God! Know that you have everything under control. Where is God?
It is he who made us, and we are his; We have evolved so wonderfully If he didn’t want us to be this way, he shouldn’t have made us this way!
and the sheep of his pasture We live in the land of plenty.  Go get yours! God doesn’t care!
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Look what you have done for yourself. Others should come to you for help! Go to God complaining and blaming him for all your problems.
Give thanks to him; bless his name! You should be thanked for all that you have done! Curse God for all of your troubles!
For the Lord is good; Man, you am good; The Lord is tired of us all!
His steadfast love endures forever for all the days of your life His wrath is upon us.
and his faithfulness to all generations Your kids and your kid’s kids will be set for life! we are on our own.

Father God, help us to see our attitudes as they really are and make us aware of the spiritual diseases in our hearts.  Heal our hearts, Lord, with your Word and your Truth.  Make them new.

Calvin, John (2011-11-15). Calvin’s Complete Bible Commentaries (With Active Table of Contents in Biblical Order) (Kindle Locations 173172-173175). . Kindle Edition.